Yelp 360 Branding 21/22

As the Creative Director, and pitch hit writer and designer in 2021-22, I oversaw and made two 360 brand campaigns, directed multiple videos and photoshoots, increased the creative team by 3x, and AdAge featured our work.

360 Branding
Creative Director, Designer & Co-Writer


How might we get people in the middle of the U.S., starting with Texas, who readily don't know who Yelp is, to download and use Yelp?

Solution — 360 Campaign "Yelp Onward"

We created an integrated consumer campaign entitled "Yelp Onward" to reignite the love for the Yelp brand, starting in Texas. Yelp Onward is a campaign that pays homage to Yelpers and the local businesses they love, where we celebrate Yelp users and the unique way their reviews show love to excellent small businesses. We featured trailblazing heroes armed only with their reviews and their bravery. Austin heroes like Lea C. found the finest dog trainers so our pups may stop chasing the postman. And Don L told us of the cheesiest croquettes madame so we may taste its brunchy goodness. They reviewed, so we don't have to.

Solution — Yelp B2C, TV Spot “Yelp Onward”

Yelp's community of cultural pioneers is boldly leading the way to the most hidden of gems, bravely reviewing so we may discover the best our cities have to offer. Yelp Onward.

Solution — Yelp B2C, Direct Response Ads “Yelp Onward”

We developed social media ads that drove sessions into the Yelp platform based on top trending categories. While also keeping the spirit of our trailblazers who boldly reviewed so you don’t have to. Yelp Onward.

Solution — Yelp B2C, Playbook/Brand Identity System “Yelp Onward”

After finishing Yelp Onward with our agency partner Giant Spoon, I reorg'd Y! Creative into five teams aligned to specific parts of the customer journey (Brand perception & Consideration—Consumer, Growth, Profitability, and Platform Engagement). Each team shipped, learned, and iterated against playbooks. We created these playbooks to ship smarter, faster, and better creative inside Y! Creative and with our vendors. These playbooks included our brand and creative strategy. Our Creative Strategy outlined our brand idea platform and comms framework, showing how to message and place media (Video, Audio, OOH, Social, etc.) at key customer journey stages. Our brand guidelines included do's and don'ts, voice and tone guidelines, and key templates for all elements of our 360 campaign.

Yelp 360 Branding 21/22


How might we get businesses to claim their Yelp page and start doing business with customers who mean business?

Solution — Yelp B2B, TV Spot “The Mover”

We created these compelling national TV ads to drive businesses to claim their Yelp page anchored to a compelling insight. 97% of customers make a purchase after visiting Yelp!

Solution — Yelp B2B, TV Spot “The Florist”

2021/22 Results

2X brand campaigns, one featured in AdAge.
Campaigns got millions of impressions
Yelp Onward saw 10% lift in brand consideration

Team Shoutouts

Designer Stefanie ShoemakerEugene Aquiler II
Sr. Writer
 Perry Nelson
Motion Graphics Patrick Riggs
Film Production VendorSabertooth Films
Agency PartnerGiant Spoon